

I have just completed the latest challenge on Instagram for the creative community, where we share a little nugget about our small business every day throughout March, under the hashtag #marchmeetthemaker & following the prompts set out by @joannehawker the creator of this challenge...


At the beginning of the month I see it as a great exercise in posting on Instagram everyday, as I often begin with good intentions & then drop off.. During the month I have shared images of me at work, the materials & tools I use on a regular basis & shots of work in progress.

As the month goes on I find it more of a task having to stick to the specific guidelines & not just post whatever I feel like that day! Hence sometimes posting two pics a day! I do find it a good way to share info on me, so people can see that I am a real person behind the photos.

As the month goes on I find it more of a task having to stick to the specific guidelines & not just post whatever I feel like that day! Hence sometimes posting two pics a day! The prompts do push me to engage in different tasks & ways of taking photos that I don't usually do, like flatlays (something I had never done before this challenge!) It's quite fun, as it gets me to view my work & making processes in a different way.

So, thanks to Joanne for the challenge- it's been fun seeing even more makers taking part this year (I also took part last year) & finding out more about other people's businesses. It can be very easy to have tunnel vision when you are a maker & it's good to remember you are a part of a wider community of makers.

I must admit that as the month went on I was a little fed up of seeing the hashtag!! & felt worried that I was annoying my friends with it...hope not! I'm going to keep posting daily or bi-daily on Instagram so people can see what I'm up to & hopefully enjoy my feed.

Jewellery photography - An outdoor photoshoot

Jewellery photography - An outdoor photoshoot

The Sheffield Makers Shop

The Sheffield Makers Shop